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Sports Shoes


What you wear really does matter when it comes to running. I have learned this the hard way.  But that doesn't mean you need to break the bank. My best piece of advice is to try different gear and figure out what works for you.  If you are just starting out, get yourself a good pair of shoes to start.  The rest is can be for later in your journey. Below are some of my favorites.



Let's start with shoes. This is probably the most important piece of equipment you will own as a runner. As you might be able to tell from the picture, I am a collector of running shoes, specifically New Balance. After trying out several brands, my shoe of choice is the New Balance 1080, though I did about 400 miles of training runs this year in On Cloud Flyers and really loved them.  The key for me is a wide toe box and a neutral shoe.  My recommendation is to find a local running store and get fitted.  Many run stores will let you have a trial period with a shoe.


Something I did not know until I started endurance running was how important socks are. The two things that I will spend money on are shoes and socks. I like Ballegas Hidden Dry socks, but again the key here is try different styles and brands and find what you like.  I have heard great things about SmartWool as well.

Image by Steve Johnson


Some runners carry a water bottle with them, but I like to run hands free. A good hydration belt has been key for me for summertime runs especially or longer distances.  I usually take my hydration belt anytime it's over 70 degrees or any distance more than 6 miles.  I like the AirRunTech belt because it gives me 20oz of fluid, plus a zipper pouch for fuel, phone, ID, etc...  I got a hydration vest for my ultramarathon training and have been training with it for anything longer than half marathon distance.  I have the Ultimate Direction Hydration Vest and bought a 2L bladder separately. 

Shorts, Tanks, Bras & Underwear

Yep, I am breaking it all down. Like I said, all of it matters.  I include links here for some of my favorite clothing options for warmer weather - Cold weather options below.  Again, like most things, figure out what works for you and use your training runs to try out your options.



Goodr.  That is all.  They are cheap, polarized, stylish, and don't even slide when you are running in 98% humidity. Don't walk, run to the Goodr site and get a pair, or 3. Seriously. They are that good and that affordable. Yes - I own all of those pairs and there are some that are not even pictured.


I did not get a good running watch until after I ran my first half marathon. I love the Garmin Forerunner Series. The latest version of the Forerunnerer is the 265 which has a new display, multi-sport capabilities, and various measurements to help you improve your performance. If you don't need all the latest bells and whistles, the Forerunner 55 might be for you and is a great basic running tracking watch with all the accuracy and durability that a Garmin provides. You can also sometimes get a good deal on earlier model Forerunners (like the Forerunner 255 or 245). Before having a Garmin, I used Map My Run which is available as an app on your phone. It wasn't as accurate as my Garmin, but it got the job done.

Image by Jordan Ryskamp

Cold Weather Gear

Cold weather gear is going to depend on where you live and what your tolerance is. The day this picture was taken it was 11 degrees, with a windchill of -1.  Not as cold as way up north, but definitely frosty for NC. Below are what I use for gloves and ears. I have an Adidas jacket that I love because it has zipper pockets, a must for when my fingers warm up and my gloves need to come off.

Other Stuff

This doesn't really fall into the line of "gear" but one of the things I learned the hard way is how to prevent chafing. I used Body Glide for a while, but learned that I usually just sweat it off on the really humid days. I found, after doing the Dopey Challenge, that the best preventative for chafing is Diaper Cream.  I like Bordeaux's Max Strength Butt Paste the best and I put it everywhere that I might chafe.

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